Friday, May 8, 2020

Motivation Monday Crave, Create and Critique

Motivation Monday Crave, Create and Critique Here are three words I propose you let guide you this week. Lets see if they stick. Crave According to Merriam-Webster: Crave:  'krav (verb) to ask for earnestly:  beg,  demand  crave  a pardon for neglect to want greatly:  need  craves  drugs   to yearn for  crave  a vanished youth to have a strong or inward desire  craves  after affection What do you crave? Well, what if the answer was a fulfilling career? This could provide you with the money to do what you really wanted. But at what price?  What would you sacrifice to make this happen? This week, think about what it is you crave and what it will take to make it a reality. Create When was the last time you created something either an idea or an object? There is a deep satisfaction that comes from creating. And while that can be intrinsically fulfilling, try taking it one step further. Create and SHARE! Find a way to share your creation with someone who will hear it, see it, feel it, know it. We dont create enough, in my opinion. What will you create and share this week? Critique We all say we want feedback; though sometimes it hurts. When you provide feedback it shows you are paying attention and have concern for the other person. Your critique shows that you want to help them develop and improve. And by the way, critiquing also gives you the opportunity to share what you know and think. Deliver meaningful feedback to someone this week by sandwiching the negative between two positives. Have a great week! Let me know how these words impact your week.

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